For a healthier, happier and easy to go lifestyle, spending your money wisely is crucial. Think about your unnecessary spending on food items when you are unplanned with your purchase list or you are extremely hungry. You try hard to save as much as you can, but still attempt some huge mistakes you might not be aware of. For that matter, this article will help save your time, money and efforts on your next grocery shopping.
#1: Avoid bulk purchase
People can’t resist the word “sale/discount”. As soon as you come up with the section having discounts/ sale for the product, you tend to buy. Unwillingly, that results in a bulk purchase. You accidentally buy too many things on one go only to save the money for the coming months. Try not to fall for such traps and choose wisely. Calculate the money you can save in your wallet after such bulk purchase. If the result is satisfying, go for it!
#2: Avoid purchasing off-season food products
Purchasing food products off-season could suggest that you are purchasing international-based food products or artificially processed ones. This would cost more and provide less. Instead, prefer purchasing food products during its season timing otherwise it would be emptying your wallet and deteriorating your health!
#3: Avoid shopping at the wrong time
Usually, it is observed that weekends and their closing time is not apt for grocery shopping. Try not to prefer such timing as the shopkeepers are too much in a hurry to wind up their work either to shut the store or to entertain all the customers. Lack of guidance, cluttered and fussy atmosphere won’t be suitable for a budget-driven grocery shopping.
#4: Avoid purchase in a hurry
Considering that grocery shopping would happen in quarters of an hour, you’re mistaken! Make sure when you shop, you wrap it up all your work and purchase calm- minded. Being fussy about everything would not give you better returns in terms of saving money as well as the purchase of products.
#5: Avoid unplanned purchase
A purchase list should be mandated! Think of you arriving at the store, completely blank and not particular about your shopping. This would result in unnecessary shopping which could not match your budget expectation. Rather than letting yourself be disheartened, make a proper list of items you need on an urgent basis and make it happen!
#6: Avoid purchasing when you are starving
That’s a complete no-brainer move! If you are starving, you eventually end up purchasing anything and everything you would like to eat. To avoid that, simply be prepared before you arrive at the store. Have your stomach full when you want your wallet to be half-emptied!
#7: Avoid traditional shopping only
If you visit the same store often, you are likely to be their loyal customer. In that case, you can avail discount, offers and cashback on your purchase! Try using such apps and get complete benefits of you being the loyal customer. Where everything happens to be at the tip of our fingers, why not make the best out of it!
#8: Avoid buying cheaper products
Sometimes you look for products that are reasonable rather than focusing on the brand! Never make such a mistake. Look for the products benefiting your health requirements. Costing you a little more but providing you with the essentials is the key. So, choose accordingly! Pay a bit more and buy healthy rather than paying less and buying something unhealthy.
#9: Avoid using cart bigger than your budget
Once you enter, you are likely to take a cart bigger than your purchase to be! This makes us readily buy more than we need. Stick to the planned expenses and try not to exceed your budget. Taking such a big cart and roaming around the aisle would definitely make you go for impulsive buying. Avoiding such a thing would be advisable!
#10: Avoid purchasing from the start
The strategies of grocery shopping itself come from merchandising. They purposely arrange the items from the start of the aisle to attract the customers on buying the products and paying their huge prices. Be extra careful! It’s on us how we manage our expenses and pay for the same.
Key takeaways:
When we go with impulsive buying or for the sake of social status, we forget that spending a huge amount of money on unnecessary shopping would not only reduce our budget for other spendings but also have a huge impact on our next purchase.
Shopping for the next time would make us extra careful. Some people have the habit of learning through their experiences while some people take the precautions before the cure!
Now it’s your role to decide! You belong to which category.